Hola! Time for a ministry update
by Barrett Vanlandingham
Hello, that is. As you know, I usually write a devotional thought for my bulletin article. But once or twice a year I think it’s fitting to give you an update of my family’s work here in Fort Gibson.
By the time you read this, I will very likely be headed to the “border.” I thank you all so much for allowing me and my family to minister to the families here in our congregation, in the community, and even across the U.S. border into Mexico. What a blessing it is to be able to raise a family in such a wonderful place as Fort Gibson. My 14-year old daughter, Ashton, and I are the only ones of my family who are going on the mission trip to Saltillo with our congregation’s team of 34. Ashton and I are very grateful to make this trip which is about four hours across the Mexican border. Lisa is staying home with the two younger ones. Gracie turned 12 in May and will get to go in a couple of years. 9-year old Britton is not very happy that he doesn’t get to go, but I guess his time will come soon enough. Lisa continues to enjoy teaching the pre-schoolers after having taken a quarter off to teach the 7th-9th grade girls Wednesday night class. The day after we return from Mexico on July 30, my family minus Gracie will be headed to mini-camp July 1-4 at Burnt Cabin for the 7-9 year olds. Gracie will be staying with grandparents while Lisa, Ashton, and I help staff Britton’s last year as a mini-camper.
After that, I have about a week to finish getting ready for the full-week at Burnt Cabin for those who’ve completed 6th-12th grades. Our theme for July 15-21 will be “Looking to Heaven in 2007. We will take a look at five things Jesus offers us that should keep our eyes looking to that heavenly goal.
Next, I will be speaking at Claremore’s summer series on July 25 on the topic of “What Jesus taught about the poor, hurting, and afflicted.” Then, the youth group will go to Chandler Road’s youth Rally.
After that, I have a few days to make final preparations for Junior Camp at Burnt Cabin for those who’ve completed 3rd-5th grades. Our theme for the August 5-8 Junior Camp will be LIFE, which stands for Love, Identity, Father, and Eternal life. We will be looking at the world’s version of how we should view ourselves, versus how God says we should view ourselves, and how special each child is because of Jesus.
After that, the next big thing is after school starts. On August 24-26, I will be taking a large group of teens to the high energy Jumpstart Youth Rally in Neosho, Missouri where the theme for the 1000-participant weekend is “Ignite.” The church there has asked me to be one of the Bible class teachers. I always look forward to taking the kids to Jumpstart.
Our house is open every Thursday all summer from 7-9pm for teens to come by for an indepth Bible study, question and answers, and prayer time. Also, every Sunday night this summer we will have devotionals in various homes. There are six “Fun Days at the Farm” on the calendar. These have been a blast so far... Three for teens, and three for 3rd-5th grades. We go to Vanlandingham Farms in Tahlequah to ride horses, go fishing, play basketball, softball, and croquet, and have lunch.
Other than that… it’s a pretty quiet summer, ha. Thanks again for the continual encouragement in so many ways, the thoughtful notes, kind words, and smiles. You are truly a wonderful church family for my family to be a part of.