Make 2009 a Re-New Year
Your Relationship with Jesus Is Most Important
by Barrett Vanlandingham
January 6, 2009
You would be hard pressed to find an issue that means more to the average person than having quality relationships. More than money, more than popularity, good relationships are a top priority for most people. So, why do so many relationships get into trouble? Why do best friends turn into enemies? Why do marriages fail? Why do neighbors and families feud? The answer simply put is this: Not enough Jesus!
You see, while it is certainly a good thing to desire good relationships over so many other things that the world has to offer, those relationships must still take their proper place under your relationship with Jesus.
Do you remember the story of the wise man building his house on the rock, and do you remember what happened when the foolish man built his house on the sand? The rains came, and while the wise man’s house stood firm, the foolish man’s house fell with a great crash (Matthew 7:24-27).
For Christians, Jesus is our Rock (with a capital R). So when 2009 threatens to blow you away with busy-ness, just remember who comes first. If the answer for you is your spouse, children, or friends, or worse yet, money which is the root of all evil, 2009 or any other year will most likely be a rocky one (with a little r). The fact is that we are all human, and so we tend to put faith and trust in things we can see. But Christians and everyone else need to be reminded that our love and faith should be directed towards God through Jesus (John 14:6, Romans 6:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21). If you do this, he will make sure you still have plenty left for those people in your life who mean so much to you.
The Bible is full of stories that remind us of what God can do when we put our trust in him. In 2 Kings 4, there was a poor man and woman who revered God. The husband died and his creditors were going to take her sons as slaves to repay her husband’s debt. She told her story to Elisha who was a prophet of God. And since she had nothing in her house “except a little oil,” Elisha told the woman to ask her neighbors for empty jars. Then he told her to pour oil into each of the jars until they were full. After all the jars were full, she asked her son to bring her another jar. But since there were no more jars left, her original supply of oil stopped flowing. Then Elisha told the woman to sell the oil and pay her debts. God knows our needs.
Isn’t that an amazing story? The devil wants us to think that if we consistently do God’s will, that somehow our relationships will suffer. Parents are tempted to think that if they bring their kids to church too often, their kids will turn away from God. Women and especially teenage girls often think that if they don’t “give in” to their boyfriend’s desire for the kind of romance that is supposed to take place inside of marriage, that the man or boy will toss them aside. The examples could go on. The point is that when we give all we have (no matter the amount) to God in regards to our faith, love, and talents, God can and will do mighty things. Remember the story of the five loaves and two fish Jesus used to feed the five-thousand?
May God bless you in the New Year as you renew your strength by putting your hope in the Lord (Isaiah 40:31) (end).
Welcome to my bulletin article site. What I do is minister to young Christians, their families, their friends, and others in the Fort Gibson, OK area. So check-in every now and then, and I'll try to have an encouraging word for you.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Why I Trust in Jesus
by Barrett Vanlandingham
December 30, 2008
As we begin a new year, it's only fitting to re-evaluate our lives. We need to take inventory of where we stand spiritually to see if we're coming up short of where we should be.
For me, it seemed most important to begin with the basics. The question of "Why do I trust in Jesus?" After all, if I'm going to base my life on him, and profess to dedicate every waking moment to imitating him, this question must be answered firmly.
Here are three main reasons I believe we can all trust in Jesus.
1) Jesus gives us purpose of existence. He gives us reason to wake up, to live, and to be joyful. Sadly, there are many people who feel they have no reason for their existence. When they get up in the morning, the only reason they have to get out of bed is to go to work, school, run errands, eat, pay bills, go to one kind of practice or another, or do a hobby. If that's their only motivations for starting the day, it's no wonder there are so many crabby people out there with pinchers ready to inflict pain on anyone who dares to cross them. But hallelujah! Jesus gives us all the reason we need to wake-up, get on with our day, and be joyful. Just think of all the earthly gifts he has blessed us with such as laughter, memory, even forgetfulness, loyalty, love, friends and family, and forgiveness, understanding, and patience from both. And how about eternal gifts such as forgiveness of sins, love, joy, peace, and citizenship in heaven. Just think about the impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity since the day he arrived! Just think about the way so many people's lives have changed for the better because of him.
2) Jesus gives us opportunity to make a real difference. Just think about the opportunities we have with our families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors including the ones on our block and those who wait on our tables. Ask any restaurant worker and they will probably tell you that "church people" are among the most rude and worst tippers they see all week. If we approached our heavenly goals the same as we approach ball games and other earthly passions where there's a time clock and a winner and loser involved, something tells me we would all have a more urgent mindset when it comes to winning souls including our own. After all, when it's all said and done and we're all standing before God on Judgement Day, do you really think anyone's going to be impressed with your earthly popularity, or how much money you had, or how talented you were? No, at least if your emphasis on those things outweighed your focus on spiritual things. How would you feel on Judgement Day if you were a non-believer, and you came to the realization that a so-called Christian didn't tell about Jesus because they were afraid to lose their popularity? On the other hand, just imagine the great rejoicing that will most certainly take place as a result of brave Christians stepping out of their comfort zones to save someone's soul.
3) Jesus gives us more than enough to believe in, to talk and write about, and even to die for. Let's face it. To the human mind, living the Christian life involves risk. For two-thousand years now, people have believed that Jesus is God's son, they've written thousands and thousands of books and articles about him, and they've been willing to suffer persecution for his sake. Christians and even atheists have written about him, and studied and debated about him. Ancient writers, theologians, historians, and philosophers outside of the Bible have also written about Jesus. They've quoted from the New Testament and have listed books of the Bible in their own writings dating back to between 100-400 A.D. It seems like someone would have been able to find even a shred of proof that Jesus was not the son of God if it were at all possible. The fact is, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. Jesus is the son of God. He came here for one purpose, to save our souls.
May God bless you with renewed confidence in your trust of Jesus the Christ. (end)
by Barrett Vanlandingham
December 30, 2008
As we begin a new year, it's only fitting to re-evaluate our lives. We need to take inventory of where we stand spiritually to see if we're coming up short of where we should be.
For me, it seemed most important to begin with the basics. The question of "Why do I trust in Jesus?" After all, if I'm going to base my life on him, and profess to dedicate every waking moment to imitating him, this question must be answered firmly.
Here are three main reasons I believe we can all trust in Jesus.
1) Jesus gives us purpose of existence. He gives us reason to wake up, to live, and to be joyful. Sadly, there are many people who feel they have no reason for their existence. When they get up in the morning, the only reason they have to get out of bed is to go to work, school, run errands, eat, pay bills, go to one kind of practice or another, or do a hobby. If that's their only motivations for starting the day, it's no wonder there are so many crabby people out there with pinchers ready to inflict pain on anyone who dares to cross them. But hallelujah! Jesus gives us all the reason we need to wake-up, get on with our day, and be joyful. Just think of all the earthly gifts he has blessed us with such as laughter, memory, even forgetfulness, loyalty, love, friends and family, and forgiveness, understanding, and patience from both. And how about eternal gifts such as forgiveness of sins, love, joy, peace, and citizenship in heaven. Just think about the impact Jesus Christ has had on humanity since the day he arrived! Just think about the way so many people's lives have changed for the better because of him.
2) Jesus gives us opportunity to make a real difference. Just think about the opportunities we have with our families, friends, co-workers, and neighbors including the ones on our block and those who wait on our tables. Ask any restaurant worker and they will probably tell you that "church people" are among the most rude and worst tippers they see all week. If we approached our heavenly goals the same as we approach ball games and other earthly passions where there's a time clock and a winner and loser involved, something tells me we would all have a more urgent mindset when it comes to winning souls including our own. After all, when it's all said and done and we're all standing before God on Judgement Day, do you really think anyone's going to be impressed with your earthly popularity, or how much money you had, or how talented you were? No, at least if your emphasis on those things outweighed your focus on spiritual things. How would you feel on Judgement Day if you were a non-believer, and you came to the realization that a so-called Christian didn't tell about Jesus because they were afraid to lose their popularity? On the other hand, just imagine the great rejoicing that will most certainly take place as a result of brave Christians stepping out of their comfort zones to save someone's soul.
3) Jesus gives us more than enough to believe in, to talk and write about, and even to die for. Let's face it. To the human mind, living the Christian life involves risk. For two-thousand years now, people have believed that Jesus is God's son, they've written thousands and thousands of books and articles about him, and they've been willing to suffer persecution for his sake. Christians and even atheists have written about him, and studied and debated about him. Ancient writers, theologians, historians, and philosophers outside of the Bible have also written about Jesus. They've quoted from the New Testament and have listed books of the Bible in their own writings dating back to between 100-400 A.D. It seems like someone would have been able to find even a shred of proof that Jesus was not the son of God if it were at all possible. The fact is, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE. Jesus is the son of God. He came here for one purpose, to save our souls.
May God bless you with renewed confidence in your trust of Jesus the Christ. (end)
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Christmas Grinch takes many forms
But joy can still be found
by Barrett Vanlandingham
(December 9, 2008)
Aahh, the holidays! Here in Fort Gibson, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, as the song goes. But with reports of break-ins, and even theft of mail as thieves look for cash and gift cards, this is one kind of Christmas Grinch that can make it difficult to find joy in December.
One might try finding joy in advertisements that push buying merchandise and not having to pay for it until 2010. But that’s just another Christmas Grinch that fools cash-strapped customers into the inevitable. They find themselves living under the dark cloud of debt, dreading their future of paying high interest rates for something they can’t afford.
The Christmas Grinch also strikes by inserting stress and lack of patience into shopping trips, family relationships, even things that are supposed to be fun like holiday parties, Christmas plays, musicals, caroling for the elderly, and oh yes, getting your taxes in order.
Or how many people have purchased computers, internet, and cell phones for Christmas to unite the family only to find out these are the gifts the Christmas Grinch tries to use year round to divide your family?
So, how do you prevent the Christmas Grinch from turning December into the most wonderful time of the year to be in a bad mood?
You might start by thinking about the joy you will bring to others because of your sacrifices. Then, diving into crowded stores and street traffic becomes purpose driven. For instance, our church is just one of thousands across the nation purchasing clothes and toys for needy children. This is something that everyone from civic groups to biker clubs and knitting clubs take part in every year.
As with any good deed, Satan always tries to find a way to turn it into a negative. That’s the devil’s job, and he’s very good at it. The thing we as followers of Jesus Christ must remember is that the battle has already been won. If you are a child of God, you’re going to heaven. How many will you take with you? The devil can deal out some very severe blows to our spiritual walk. But Jesus assures us that for every temptation we encounter, there is a way out so that we can stand up under the pressure (1 Corinthians 10:13). As long as we are on this earth, we will face temptation. The only question is whether you will choose to face it with Jesus’ help, or without it.
The fact that we have the Spirit of Jesus Christ himself working in our favor gives us confidence to ask the question, “Who could possibly be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
We should never be so naive as to think the world’s ways are not against us (John 15:18-21). We know that to be false. However, anyone who opposes the Lord will eventually find themselves without hope. Eventually, everyone will bow before God and confess that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10 and Romans 14:11).
May God give you true joy this holiday season in spite of the devil, the Christmas Grinch, or whoever else is working against your efforts to bring honor to the Lord. (end)
But joy can still be found
by Barrett Vanlandingham
(December 9, 2008)
Aahh, the holidays! Here in Fort Gibson, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, as the song goes. But with reports of break-ins, and even theft of mail as thieves look for cash and gift cards, this is one kind of Christmas Grinch that can make it difficult to find joy in December.
One might try finding joy in advertisements that push buying merchandise and not having to pay for it until 2010. But that’s just another Christmas Grinch that fools cash-strapped customers into the inevitable. They find themselves living under the dark cloud of debt, dreading their future of paying high interest rates for something they can’t afford.
The Christmas Grinch also strikes by inserting stress and lack of patience into shopping trips, family relationships, even things that are supposed to be fun like holiday parties, Christmas plays, musicals, caroling for the elderly, and oh yes, getting your taxes in order.
Or how many people have purchased computers, internet, and cell phones for Christmas to unite the family only to find out these are the gifts the Christmas Grinch tries to use year round to divide your family?
So, how do you prevent the Christmas Grinch from turning December into the most wonderful time of the year to be in a bad mood?
You might start by thinking about the joy you will bring to others because of your sacrifices. Then, diving into crowded stores and street traffic becomes purpose driven. For instance, our church is just one of thousands across the nation purchasing clothes and toys for needy children. This is something that everyone from civic groups to biker clubs and knitting clubs take part in every year.
As with any good deed, Satan always tries to find a way to turn it into a negative. That’s the devil’s job, and he’s very good at it. The thing we as followers of Jesus Christ must remember is that the battle has already been won. If you are a child of God, you’re going to heaven. How many will you take with you? The devil can deal out some very severe blows to our spiritual walk. But Jesus assures us that for every temptation we encounter, there is a way out so that we can stand up under the pressure (1 Corinthians 10:13). As long as we are on this earth, we will face temptation. The only question is whether you will choose to face it with Jesus’ help, or without it.
The fact that we have the Spirit of Jesus Christ himself working in our favor gives us confidence to ask the question, “Who could possibly be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
We should never be so naive as to think the world’s ways are not against us (John 15:18-21). We know that to be false. However, anyone who opposes the Lord will eventually find themselves without hope. Eventually, everyone will bow before God and confess that Jesus is Lord (Philippians 2:10 and Romans 14:11).
May God give you true joy this holiday season in spite of the devil, the Christmas Grinch, or whoever else is working against your efforts to bring honor to the Lord. (end)
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Put some thought into your New Year’s resolution
by Barrett Vanlandingham
(December 2, 2008)
If you’re like most people, you start thinking about your New Year’s resolution somewhere around December 31. But realistically, is that enough time to make a major change in your life beginning on the first day of January? I don’t think so.
By the time you read this article and have time to let it sink in, you should still have the better part of three weeks to think about your resolution before you try to put it into effect.
I have a few things I want to do in the New Year. For starters, I would like to continue keeping my weight off. Since the last week of March I have lost about 60-pounds. However, everytime I have lost weight in the past, I have eventually gained it back. I am determined that’s not going to be the case this time. I’ve already made it through Thanksgiving with no significant weight gain. But I still have to make it through Christmas and all of the other parties that take place this time of year.
The other thing I am determined to do is to better understand the minds of teenagers including my own. As a youth minister, it is obviously in my best interest and in the interest of my youth group for me to understand their mindset. This will help me to do a better job teaching them God’s word and ways to apply it to their lives. As a parent of two teenage daughters (15 and 13) and a 10-year old son, I can clearly see that parenting adolescents is much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes I wonder if my teenagers are even human! By the time it gets to that point, I’m sure they’re also wondering if their dad is even human!
One thing I have found to help me in both of these endeavors is two kinds of prayer. One is from me to God. The other is from my friends and family to God on my behalf. Both are extremely important.
James 5:13 says, “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray…” Then in verse 16 James says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
It’s important for us to cultivate godly friendships for many reasons, not the least of which is having prayer partners. That’s what is so awesome about having a church family. People who attend worship regularly are not perfect people by any stretch of the imagination. We are all hopeless without the grace of Jesus Christ shown to us by his death, burial, and resurrection. In fact, Christ’s love for a wretch like me is exactly what compels people like me to worship him and have an active prayer life.
So what does any of this mean to you? Well hopefully (or prayerfully), it means that you will go to God in prayer right now and ask his guidance on changes you can make in your life that will draw you closer to him. Ask him to help you get rid of things in your life that are damaging your relationship with him and others. In fact, pray everyday about this. Then, you will most certainly be better equipped to make a New Year’s resolution that will stick!
by Barrett Vanlandingham
(December 2, 2008)
If you’re like most people, you start thinking about your New Year’s resolution somewhere around December 31. But realistically, is that enough time to make a major change in your life beginning on the first day of January? I don’t think so.
By the time you read this article and have time to let it sink in, you should still have the better part of three weeks to think about your resolution before you try to put it into effect.
I have a few things I want to do in the New Year. For starters, I would like to continue keeping my weight off. Since the last week of March I have lost about 60-pounds. However, everytime I have lost weight in the past, I have eventually gained it back. I am determined that’s not going to be the case this time. I’ve already made it through Thanksgiving with no significant weight gain. But I still have to make it through Christmas and all of the other parties that take place this time of year.
The other thing I am determined to do is to better understand the minds of teenagers including my own. As a youth minister, it is obviously in my best interest and in the interest of my youth group for me to understand their mindset. This will help me to do a better job teaching them God’s word and ways to apply it to their lives. As a parent of two teenage daughters (15 and 13) and a 10-year old son, I can clearly see that parenting adolescents is much more difficult than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes I wonder if my teenagers are even human! By the time it gets to that point, I’m sure they’re also wondering if their dad is even human!
One thing I have found to help me in both of these endeavors is two kinds of prayer. One is from me to God. The other is from my friends and family to God on my behalf. Both are extremely important.
James 5:13 says, “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray…” Then in verse 16 James says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
It’s important for us to cultivate godly friendships for many reasons, not the least of which is having prayer partners. That’s what is so awesome about having a church family. People who attend worship regularly are not perfect people by any stretch of the imagination. We are all hopeless without the grace of Jesus Christ shown to us by his death, burial, and resurrection. In fact, Christ’s love for a wretch like me is exactly what compels people like me to worship him and have an active prayer life.
So what does any of this mean to you? Well hopefully (or prayerfully), it means that you will go to God in prayer right now and ask his guidance on changes you can make in your life that will draw you closer to him. Ask him to help you get rid of things in your life that are damaging your relationship with him and others. In fact, pray everyday about this. Then, you will most certainly be better equipped to make a New Year’s resolution that will stick!
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