by Barrett Vanlandingham
September 27, 2011
To say the least, I am not a mechanical genius. Just a few days ago I yanked and pulled to start my push mower, but to no avail. “What could possibly be the problem,” I asked myself.
Then, I remembered a simple solution I learned as a kid when my mini-bike became difficult to start. At age six, my dad had taught me how to remove and clean a spark plug. Most of the time that fixed it. And guess what? It worked this time, too.
For some reason, it was amazing to me all over again that such a small thing as a clean sparkplug could make such a huge difference in how an entire lawnmower operated! I was so happy, I turned off the mower and re-started it three more times just to make sure it wasn’t a fluke! Immediately, I thought to myself how true this is to anything in life. Just getting back to the basics and making sure all your foundational ducks are in a row can take a frustrating situation, and make it workable.
In the Old Testament, we’re told about a time when the Lord’s anger burned against his people because they hadn’t obeyed the words written in the “Book of the Law” (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). What’s worse, the book, which had apparently been lost for as many as 400-years, was discovered in the temple while workers were doing repairs! Can you imagine going to a church building every week to honor the only gods you knew about, not even knowing what Jehovah God expected of you until one day somebody discovers the only copy of God’s word that existed in your country?
Josiah, who was King of Judah at the time (600 B.C.), was known to have done right in the eyes of the Lord. And when he heard that the book had been found basically right under their noses, he showed great remorse, tearing his robes and ordering his attendants to find out “…what all is written in this book that has been found.” (2 Kings 22:13)
At that point, Josiah went to the temple, gathered together all the people, and read the Book of the Covenant. That day Josiah and all the people renewed their pledge to keep the Lord’s commands.
So many times, in the middle of life’s turmoil, when things just aren’t working the way they should, it is easy for us to forget where to turn for real peace and hope, just like the children of Israel forgot. The solution was always there in God’s word, but no one bothered to study and teach it to their children because idol worship and other detestable practices had become popular and eventually the only thing people knew. Sound familiar?
In the Gospel of Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
May we never forget where real truth can be found. Have a great week!
May we never forget where real truth can be found. Have a great week!