by Barrett Vanlandingham
October 3, 2012
October brings many creative disguises. But this is not the only time of year when
people who appear to be one thing turn out to be another. Sometimes that’s a good thing, and other
times not so good.
In the New Testament we read about
Jesus approaching a tax collector named Matthew to make him a disciple. Jesus said, “Follow me.” And he did.
So what’s odd with this picture?
Well, in today’s times I would say nothing. But back in the first century, tax collectors
were thought of as thieves who gouged the taxpayer for more than what was due
so they could keep the extra for themselves.
The Pharisees who were known to be
religious people were always trying to catch Jesus doing something wrong. So when Jesus went to Matthew’s house to eat
dinner with him and many other tax collectors and “sinners”, the Pharisees
tried to make a big deal out of it. They
wanted the disciples to explain why their teacher would spend time with those
kinds of people.
And who knows, Matthew may have been
less than upright. If Matthew had seen some of the miracles Jesus had been
performing, maybe he followed Jesus in hopes of turning this miracle man into a
cash cow. But after spending some time
with Jesus and his disciples the picture changed. Jesus saw this as an opportunity to show love
and compassion to a group of people who had only known criticism and hatred
from their community. The Pharisees were
not asking questions about the “sinner dinner” because they cared, but rather
to make Jesus look bad for hanging out with undesirables.
On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is
not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means” I desire
mercy, not sacrifice. For I have not
come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Matthew 9:12-13)
In this story, the Pharisees were
masquerading as God-fearing religious people while Matthew was disguised as an undesirable
sinner. But in the end, as history would
have it, the roles were switched. What
made the difference? In both cases Jesus
exposed what was in the heart. It is
when we allow Christ to control our hearts that we find out just how much joy
life can bring. May we get rid of our
masks and get real with God so we can begin making a difference in the lives of
others. Have a great week!