by Barrett Vanlandingham
April 3, 2013
It’s a strange thought at
first. But when you think about how
thieves operate, it makes sense that the Bible would devote an entire parable
to the idea of serving the Lord with at least as much effort as a dishonest
person puts into getting ahead.
In Luke 16:1-13 we are told the
parable of the shrewd manager (aka: dishonest steward). His master found out that he had been wasting
his possessions, so the master was going to fire him. The unrighteous manager was too ashamed to
beg for a living, and was not strong enough to dig. So he told one man who was in debt to the
master to cut half off the bill before paying it. He told another debtor to cut
twenty percent off his bill. This, he felt, would cause those people to welcome
him into their houses after he lost his job. In the end, the dishonest servant
got the majority of the debts repaid to his master, and even better, he
probably got to hold on to his job!
In this parable Jesus says, “The master
commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people
of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the
people of the light (Luke 16:8).”
So why in the world would the Bible
include such a story? As with all
parables, they are not meant to be dissected to assign special meaning to every
word, but rather take the overall meaning or point that Jesus is trying to
Christians, there is a very good message that we can apply to our daily walk. A thief is constantly scheming and thinking
of strategies to rip people out of their hard earned possessions. They watch,
wait, & listen for opportunities.
They network and get help from friends to accomplish their task.
should be just as diligent in matters of spiritual warfare. “Therefore be shrewd as snakes and innocent
as doves (Matthew 10:16).”
is definitely not telling us to be deceptive in winning souls and serving
people for the wrong reasons. In fact,
Jesus warns strongly against those types of practices and against doing things
for our own glory (ref: Matthew 6).
thing you can be sure of is that the devil has a well thought out plan for your
life. Do you? God does.
But just like the dishonest manager, Christians must be determined and
persistent. Constant prayer and trusting
God with our decisions is a great place to start. Daily Bible study provides a great foundation
for your faith. And finally, putting
your faith into action will be encouraging to you, to others, and shows
obedience to God. Have a great week!