Barrett Vanlandingham
4, 2014
Whatever happened to the days when
gays and straights could just co-exist, you know, before special interest
groups, lawyers, judges, and legislatures decided they needed to make
everything so complicated?
My dad ran a successful restaurant
for 36 years. He served people of all
kinds, and hired and worked alongside people of all kinds. To my knowledge, not a single employee ever pushed
my dad to accept their sexual preferences under the threat of a lawsuit. Not a single customer ever stormed in to
divulge their personal business, and then just dare my dad to not serve them. That is not the case these days. Everyone thinks they have to tell everything
about themselves to everyone. If someone’s conscience won’t let them agree,
then it’s off to court!
In Oregon, a Christian couple recently
had to shut down their bakery because their consciences would not allow them to
bake a cake for a lesbian couple’s wedding.
The Christian couple faces hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.
Laws now even equate your sexual
orientation (preference) with race! Last
I heard, you can’t change your race. However,
Chirlane McCray, the
wife of New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio, was a self-professed lesbian until she
married Bill 19 years ago. They have two teenage children.
The odd thing about our nation right
now is that some of the same people who are screaming for everyone to accept
diversity are the same people who want there to be no differences among
us. Here is what I mean. As of January 1, a new transgender law (Assembly
Bill 1266) went into effect in California.
It allows K-12 students to enter bathrooms, locker rooms, and be
involved in sports teams based on their perceived gender identity.
Can you imagine the problems this
will cause when a straight teenage boy decides he wants to utilize the law to
invade the privacy of a girls’ locker room, bathroom, or set new scoring
records in girls’ sports? What about
little children who have always gone to public restrooms with their dad or mom,
no matter what sex they are, but when they go to school for the first time,
they get confused as to which bathroom they’re supposed to go to, but a teacher
can no longer tell them which direction to go because the law says either way
is fine, just whatever they feel like. Boys’
or girls’ bathroom, whichever one you identify with more that day.
I’ve read that a baby’s sex is
determined at conception, even though birth defects like “undetermined
genitalia” make it difficult to know the sex of a newborn before testing. Our genes may be responsible for homosexual tendencies,
obesity, alcoholism, and attitude problems.
But that does not mean these tendencies cannot be controlled. We all have certain temptations that are more
appealing to us than others. But God
would not create a person who has no choice but to willfully sin, and then send
him to hell because he sinned. Making
mistakes is just part of being human. “For
all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).”
God knows our heart, and He knows the
level at which we are committed to obeying Him.
That is what grace is for! It
covers us when we fail in our best attempts to obey God.
And so, Christians need to employ
the love of Christ when dealing with homosexuals or anyone. We won’t always agree. But for heaven’s sake, we don’t have to make
life miserable for each other. That’s really all I would ask from anyone who
disagrees with me. And yes, homosexuals are welcome at my church. Have a great week!