Barrett Vanlandingham
30, 2016
I am in year 15 of youth ministry here
in Fort Gibson, and I must say that from my perspective, our town has an
outstanding foundation of faith and unity that encourages me as I know it does many
of you.
I see it played out in so many ways. Lately,
local Facebook users have flooded social media with prayers and well wishes for
the Shelton family of Fort Gibson whose son, Jaren, is recovering from brain
surgery to remove a tumor. In fact, as soon
as word came that Jaren was having surgery, hundreds, and then over a thousand
people (numbers still climbing) have unified to show support. Prayer warriors please continue praying for
this family.
This Friday, many Tiger fans will take
part in a pre-game student-led prayer on the field. It is inspiring to say the
least. But the unity doesn’t stop with sports. It seems to be woven into many aspects
of how our town operates as a community of faith.
Next month, students from many
different churches will take part in “See You at the Pole”, a yearly prayer
vigil that takes place at schools across the nation.
Each week of school, faith based clubs
meet to introduce fellow students to Christ, and give them opportunities to
grow like-minded friendships.
You don’t have to be near the school
to see these same values promoted. Events hosted downtown such as the car show
and the “Shop Fort Gibson First” drawing begin with prayer. Our town is blessed with many leaders who look
to God for guidance. I’m happy about that. Sodom and Gomorrah (ref: Genesis 19)
learned the hard way what happens when you turn your back on God.
In John 17:20-23, Jesus prayed for all
believers, that “they may be one” as Christ and the Father are one, and that
all believers “may be brought to complete unity.”
We see it all the time here in Fort
Gibson, Christians from different groups unifying for common purposes, for the
good. It is a blessing to be a part of, but we have a ways to go. Have a blessed day!