Barrett Vanlandingham
1, 2016
Luke 4:1-13 tells the story of Jesus
being tested by Satan for 40 days in the wilderness just after he was baptized,
and just before he started his official ministry. This story is not only
interesting, but extremely useful for us today since Satan still uses the same
tactics he used back then.
The devil’s strategy involves our
appetites, ambitions, and anxieties. These three points are highlighted in a “21st
Century Christian” curriculum I am teaching to my high school class on Sunday
mornings, but these warnings apply to people of all ages. I hope you find this
useful in your battle against the devil and his dark forces.
The way Satan uses our appetites is by
identifying our natural drives, and using them against us. During Jesus’ time
of fasting in the wilderness, it would have been easy for him to simply turn
some stones into bread at Satan’s request. Jesus used knowledge of God’s word
to answer “no” to Satan’s schemes. Christians must understand that our
existence is about much more than personal pleasure.
The way Satan uses our ambitions is by
trying to get us to sacrifice our values for pleasure. Jesus had a job to do
here on earth, bringing salvation to the lost. Satan tried to convince Jesus to
take a shortcut to glory. Satan tried to give Jesus all the kingdoms of the
world if Jesus would simply bow down to him. Satan offers us so-called success,
popularity, and even love. But the cost of taking gifts from the prince of lies
is too high.
The way Satan uses our anxieties is by
manipulating our fears to lead us into sin. Satan tried to get Jesus to prove
his Lordship. He asked Jesus to jump from a high point so that angels could
come to his rescue. Satan wanted Jesus’ fear of crucifixion to cause him to
take the easy way out. Jesus would have survived the jump, but he would have
lost all credibility with the people he was sent to save. Satan tries to convince
us that taking a stand for Jesus isn’t worth it. But once again, God’s word
proves otherwise.
Have a blessed week!