by Barrett Vanlandingham
April 11, 2021
Hello from Fort Gibson, Oklahoma! I hope you are having a
lovely day. If you are a follower of God, you know your life is more peaceful
when you focus “above the sun” instead of “under the sun” where Solomon said
everything is meaningless. This message is more important today than ever.
It is nice to know that in the chaotic times we are
living in, the most important things we can believe in will always be true, and
will always work in our favor. Today, I
want to look at a few things we can believe about God the Father.
The apostle Paul said, “There is but one God, the
Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live” (1 Corinthians 8:6,
Genesis 1:26).
So, having
created man on the 6th day, and knowing us better than anyone, God has
understood for a very long time the how’s and why’s of achieving a rewarding
life here on earth and how we can someday hear those words: “well done, good
and faithful servant.”
just like in our culture today, even Jesus’ disciples needed to be reminded of
some very basic things, especially during Jesus’ final days. Jesus cuts to the
chase in John 14:1 when he says, “Believe in God’ believe also in me.” Jesus said these words while comforting his
disciples not long before his crucifixion. His disciples no doubt had lots of
questions and concerns about the future of Jesus and their future. So, it was
important for Jesus to give them one easy instruction to hold onto before his
are to carry out this command to “Believe in God” by applying his standards
to the way we live, not our standards and not the world’s (John 14:10-12). The
apostle Paul tells us why.
we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for
those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
So much comfort in such a short amount
of scripture. Everything is going to be okay for those who love God. Even
though this life may still have its share of problems, we can be assured that
life in heaven will be much different.
John defines what it means to love
God. “This is love for God: to keep his commands” (1 John 5:3).
True love for God was as hard for
people back then to grasp as it is today. James wrote that both faith (belief)
and deeds (words) are necessary, not just one or the other.
“You believe that there is one
God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder” (James 2:19). Demons believe in God and they knew who was
in their presence when Jesus arrived on the scene. But belief or faith is not
just acknowledging the identity of God, it requires obedience. That is why we accept
God’s offering of grace by having faith in Jesus as our only hope, and by being
baptized, and by living a new life in Christ made possible by God’s grace (Romans
6:1-11, Ephesians 2:8-10, 1 Peter 1:17-23).
From some of the oldest verses in
the Bible (Deuteronomy 31:6) to the newest (Romans 8:38-39) we can
believe without a doubt in God’s faithfulness to those who are committed to
walking with Him, especially when we are in need of His grace. Have a great