by Barrett Vanlandingham (written 10-6-2021)
of us in our church family has experienced the goodness and blessings that come
as Christian friendships grow, and often become closer than blood relatives.
Even those who haven’t yet developed those close relationships often receive
the blessings of being associated with our congregation. But just like a
marriage or a family unit, the church family thrives most when we are a
blessing to others, not just when we receive blessings.
Each of
us has an important role to play in the overall success of our church family
and what makes it appealing to each of us. You see, if I do not fully
participate, or if I forget to follow through with my responsibility to the
church family, then I become a “taker” or a “consumer” instead of being a “blessing”
or a “giver” to others in the group. At various times, we all find ourselves on
either end of that as we experience life’s peaks and valleys.
is a motivational tale that has been circulating through social media for the
last couple of years:
A wise teacher once brought balloons to
school for students to inflate, write their names on them, and then toss them into
the hall. The teacher moved through the hall mixing them all up. The kids were
given five minutes to find the balloon with their name on it. They searched
frantically, but no one found their own balloon.
the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the
person whose name was on it. In less than two minutes, everyone was holding
their own balloon.
teacher said to the students, “These balloons are like happiness. We won’t find
it when we’re only searching for our own. But if we care about someone else’s
happiness … it will ultimately help us find our own.”
writer of Hebrews makes the connection between Christian fellowship and the
encouragement we give and receive that helps each of us stay on the path to
heaven (Hebrews 10:24-27).
apostle Paul knew what he was talking about when he wrote these words: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us
do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of
believers” (Galatians 6:10).
Have a
great week!