Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Above the Sun: Your decisions can make for generations of consequences

by Barrett Vanlandingham
July 21, 2019 (original version: September 2008)

In 1 Kings 12:1-33 we read about how the mistakes of Jeroboam (Solomon’s official in charge of the labor force) caused problems for the northern kingdom of Israel for the next 250-years.
In 977 B.C. Israel split after Solomon died because his son, Rehoboam would not relieve any of the tax burdens on the people, and in fact planned to make it worse.
Rehoboam remained king of the southern kingdom of Judah where Jerusalem and the temple were located, while Jeroboam became king of the new northern kingdom of Israel.
Here’s where Jeroboam messed up, royally! He made two golden calves to which his people were to offer sacrifices. He set one in Dan and one in Bethel, both in the northern kingdom in an effort to keep his people from going down into the southern kingdom of Judah to Jerusalem to worship at the temple there. Jeroboam also appointed priests from “…all sorts of people even though they were not Levites (:31).” He also instituted a religious festival on the same day as the one in Jerusalem, so that sacrifices could be made to the idols instead of to God.
Jeroboam did these things because he feared for his life if the people were to again become loyal to Rehoboam, the king of Judah (:27). Jeroboam’s actions put him in direct opposition to God’s commands to not worship idols.
For the next 250 years, most of the 19 kings were evil and were said to have walked in the ways of Jeroboam. What a way to be remembered! Over and over in 1 Kings and 2 Kings we read about the sin that Jeroboam “…caused Israel to commit” until eventually they were removed from the Lord’s presence and exiled to Assyria (2 Kings 17:21-23).
There are many lessons that can be learned here. Trusting and obeying God for starters. But one very important lesson is this: Every decision we make has a consequence attached to it. In this case, the ripple effect was HUGE. It went on and on. Jeroboam’s actions to influence the people to worship idols started a trend that infected almost every king of Israel who came after him, and caused problems for the few good kings to have to deal with.
In 1 Kings 16:31 we read that King Ahab was even more evil than any king before him including Jeroboam. He went as far as to marry the wicked Jezebel and began to serve and worship the false gods, Baal and Asherah.
In 2 Kings 10:28-32 we read that King Jehu destroyed Baal worship, but he still did not turn away from the sins of Jeroboam, “which he had caused Israel to commit.”
For us today, we need to keep in mind that even though culture puts a lot of pressure on us to accept worldly ways as normal, God’s standard has never changed. Doing things the world’s way may bring temporary happiness, but it will never bring the lasting joy that serving God can. And it is only by doing God’s will that we know for sure which direction our ripple effect is carrying us and those we influence.  Have a great week!

Above the Sun: We are equipped with spiritual thermometers to help us

by Barrett Vanlandingham
July 14, 2019 (original version: June 2008)

Summer in Oklahoma can bring a lot of different things. These days, more so than not, we can pretty much expect heat and humidity when we step outside. God created us with an inner thermometer to know when the temperature is unfavorable. Even animals know when it's time to find a shady spot or maybe a pond to cool off.
God also created us this way in regards to sin and temptation.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 says, "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil."
Let's face it. We all know the difference between right and wrong. If not, we all certainly know (in general) the things God approves of, versus the things He does not smile on. We can all think of subtle things we would all do differently in regard to time management. If we thought God were going to pay us a personal visit today, most of us would likely change at least a little something about our attitude, dress, hobbies, or entertainment choices.
There are so many sins listed in the Bible. Gossip, cursing, issues of decency, lust, fornication, self-discipline, selfishness, greed, ill-gotten gain such as gambling, and lack of Bible knowledge and application. That sounds like a lot of keep up with. How can we ever be pleasing to God in every area of our existence?
The fact is, when we make God number one in our lives, all of those other issues become a lot easier to deal with. The apostle Paul went through many different kinds of spiritual persecution. So, his statements in Romans 8 have carried a lot of meaning for Christians throughout the centuries.
Paul said, "28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."
            Paul then makes a special connection between Christians and God's Son by saying that Jesus is the "firstborn among many brothers." Then Paul asked the question in verse 31, " ...If God is for us, who can be against us?" He states that if God went so far as to offer His own Son to save us, would he not also "give us all things?"
            God loves us. We're created in His image. And there's nothing He desires more than for us to be in heaven with Him someday. He has done everything He could possibly do to get us there besides turn us into little robots that are unable to make choices. He gives us a free will and allows us to choose Him if we so desire. He even gives us the gift of His Spirit when we are baptized (Acts 2:38) to guide and comfort us until He returns.
            As followers of Jesus, we have much to be joyful about, we have much to be thankful for, and we have much to gain from studying and applying God's word. So, when spiritual challenges come our way, just remember that God will always provide something "good" to hold on to, and He will always provide a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13) as we "test everything" by His word, and "avoid every kind of evil." God is always pulling for us to get out of the heat spiritually. But what we do with his invitation is up to us.  Have a great week!

Above the Sun: Satan has a plan for your children (Part two of Commitment)

by Barrett Vanlandingham
July 7, 2019 (original version: June 2008)

How many times do we not trust God to give us what we need, and what our children need, just so we can satisfy our worldly cravings for worldly success? We ask ourselves, “How is my family or my children ever going to find true joy and happiness unless I take control of what I can see, therefore relegating God to the passenger seat?” The answer is faith-based commitment to God. And when we are committed to God, we will be committed to our families.
When it comes to commitment to your family, we must remember that this cannot be separated from what it means to be committed to God. We must strive for holiness and being set apart for service to God. When this happens, we will automatically show commitment to our families by providing for them in every way: financially, emotionally, materially and spiritually.
Parents, we cannot truly be committed to our families the way God wants us to be if we knowingly lead our children right up to the gates of hell and all but turn them over to Satan. This is why it is important to choose carefully the clothes we buy for our daughters, and the activities we allow our kids to be a part of. Parents must be careful to have pure speech, not just in regard to cursing, but in the way we talk to anyone including our family.  
Providing for your family also includes what we allow our children’s minds to be filled with in regards to entertainment. We must be careful that we do not allow strangers to come into our homes unsupervised and fill our children's heads full of Hollywood’s values. The entertainment industry is not in business of saving your child's soul. Satan has a plan for your children, and you better have one too. Commitment to family does not mean letting TV, Internet, videos, sports, music or anything else come between your family and God.
Ephesians 6:1-4 says, “1. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2. "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise-- 3. "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." 4. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
The past 18 years of youth ministry have given me at least a little bit of insight when it comes to answering the question of how to increase your child’s chances of succeeding spiritually:
1. Bring them to youth and church events.
2. Be consistent in giving Bible-based answers to their questions, and how you raise them.
3. Let your children see you study, and that it has resulted in you living a life of faith, hope, love, and joy.
4. When we make the decision to become parents, we also make the decision to become teachers. We must make every moment count (Ephesians 5:15-16), and realize that we teach our families not only by what we say, but by what we do.
May God bless us as we strive for holiness and as we encourage our families to live for God in every aspect of life. Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Above the Sun: Commitment requires follow through

by Barrett Vanlandingham
June 30, 2019 (original version: June 2008)

            People who stay committed to anything are rare jewels these days.
            I was talking with my dad awhile back. And anyone who knows my dad knows that if he has a job to do, it will get done on time, one way or another. So, I asked him why is it that some people just seem to always be where they’re supposed to be, not because they were expected to be, and not because they were asked to be, but because it was just the right thing to do? What separates those people from others? He said, “It is because those people have already made the decision to be a part of something or to live a certain lifestyle. They made a commitment to certain things long before they were put on the calendar, and long before they were faced with ‘Should I, or shouldn't I?’”
            Commitment to God is kind of like riding an elevator ... you're either ON or OFF. Revelation 3:15-16 talks about people who are neither hot nor cold in their commitment to God. He says that because they are lukewarm, he will spit them out of His mouth.
            Matthew 22:34-38 tells us the greatest command is to “…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” The Gospel of Mark adds “and with all your strength” to that list. This means that we are to love God with everything we have, and everything we are.
If you believe that God exists, and that Jesus is his son, and that there is a heaven and a hell, it is extremely important to follow through with commitment.  After all, what's the point in calling yourself a Christian if you're only going to go halfway, because halfway won't get you there.
John 14:15 tells us God knows whether we love him by our obedience to his commands.
            What if we don't commit to God? Matthew 10:32-33 says, “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”
            Commitment demands we choose God over anyone or anything. We can have huge bank accounts, popularity, possessions, desire for athletic and academic scholarships, but when those things become our gods, and we choose them over God the Father, that's sin.
It’s a test Abraham scored well on. God asked him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. Abraham loved his son Isaac and knew that Isaac was a part of the plan to make a great nation like God had promised in Genesis 12:2. So, Abraham was willing to put aside his own feelings on the matter, and submit and trust God TOTALLY. In fact, Abraham had so much faith that when he was preparing to take his son there to sacrifice him, Genesis 22:5 says “He said to his servants, 'Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.’”          Abraham knew that total commitment was a two-way trail, and that God would not go back on his original promise, and that one way or another, God would prevent Isaac's death.
How many times do we not trust God to give us what we need, and what our children need, just so we can satisfy our worldly cravings for worldly success. We ask ourselves, “How is my family or my children ever going to find true joy and happiness?” The answer is faith-based commitment to God. And when we are committed to God, we will be committed to our families. More on that topic next week.  Have a great day!

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Above the Sun: Expletives go crossways with God’s will for you

by Barrett Vanlandingham
June 23, 2019 (original version: June 2008)

More than once I've had young people ask me if it was really a sin to curse. They were astonished when I gave them the answer, “Yes!”
The Apostle Paul said, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things (Philippians 4:8).”
When it comes to cursing and other sins of the mouth, how can you or anyone else in your presence possibly “think about such things” (Godly things) if your mouth is spewing out curse words?
James 3:3-12 is one of the most famous passages in the Bible for its instruction on how we use our mouth. The writer says, “:3 When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder…” James goes on to compare the tongue to a spark that can set a whole forest on fire. He says, “:10 Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.”
In Romans 3:9-10 Paul quotes from the Old Testament about sin. Then in verse 14 he says, “Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.”
When I was a kid and someone would curse, oftentimes it would be pointed out that people who curse just simply do not have a good enough vocabulary to think of other words to say. That may be true to an extent. But I think a better explanation as to why people curse is because their minds have been filled to overflowing with worldly influences. This happens when we get lax in our spiritual battle. Proverbs 4:23-24 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.”
The Gospel of Matthew 12:34 & 36-37 says, “…For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks… But I tell you that men will have to give an account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
Sins of the mouth not only include cursing. Romans 1:28-32 includes gossip and slander in a list of sins that will land someone in hell. Paul even goes on to say that even those who approve of this practice are also in the same danger of eternal condemnation.
The attitudes behind cursing are just as harmful spiritually. One thing is for sure. If we spend more time in study of God's word, more time acting on our belief, more time prayerfully turning away from the world's influence, more time acknowledging that Jesus is God's Son and that He is our only hope, and more time thinking about the blessings that come from being clothed in Christ through baptism, we would definitely not have near as much time or desire to allow negative thoughts and words to infect or influence our destiny. Have a great week!

Above the Sun: There is a silver lining for our flood crisis

by Barrett Vanlandingham
June 16, 2019

My summer mission trip to Honduras is always a joy. Our Christian brothers and sisters there in Tegucigalpa are always so welcoming. This time, I felt a little guilty for planning a mission trip out of country when there is so much work to do here because of the flood damage. But then it occurred to me I have not met even one flood victim here who would want to trade places with any of our friends in Honduras who live in 16 by 16 shacks with dirt floors and outside bathrooms and kitchens.
            It is amazing to me how people here are dealing with so much loss of property with such a positive and hopeful attitude. None of us likes to hear the words, “It could always be worse.” But the fact is, it could, and deep down, even those affected directly by the flood know it. Yes, it’s a pain to be inconvenienced. I complain about the floaties I have in my left eye that obstruct my vision a little, and the slight limp I have because of an old back injury. Reality is that I have friends who are blind in one or both eyes, and I have friends who are confined to wheelchairs. They would love to trade places with someone who only has floaties in one eye and who can still walk. I remember when my 18-month-old daughter was gravely ill with staff pneumonia. She was in ICU and had surgery on her lung to make her well. I remember the sadness I felt as a parent until I looked at another baby nearby who was only a month old and already had three heart surgeries, and more to come.
            During mission trips I have taken into Mexico and Honduras, I often caught myself wondering why some of the people there didn’t make their huts look more presentable. But then it occurred to me they would love to if they only had a hammer, nails, a saw, lumber, and some decent roofing materials. But those things cost money, and when minimum wage is about $200 a month, yes month, people can’t afford a lot of extra’s.
Here in our area, there is abundant help for flood victims to be able to clean up, re-build, and start life over in nice new 1000 to 3000 square foot homes with new furniture and appliances. Even those who are worse off, still have comfortable places to stay with food until they can get back on their feet.
There are who knows how many relief workers and groups from out of town coming here ready to jump in and bless our community with fresh energy, optimism, hard work, and compassion. Some of those include: Church of Christ Disaster Response Team, Churches of Christ Relief Efforts, Red Cross, Southern Baptist Disaster Relief, Christian Church, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Church of God in Christ. Many individuals and area churches are also donating money to the community resource center that is set-up in the old gym at Fort Gibson High School.
We talk about our country as the land of opportunity. And it’s in times like these we find out why. It’s all about neighbor helping neighbor, wherever they’re from, most of whom will never even meet face to face. As the days and weeks go by, we will all have opportunities to brighten someone’s day. Your act of kindness, big or small, may never be a news headline. But that has no bearing on its value.  God bless and have a great week!