Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Thank You, Teachers

by Barrett Vanlandingham
September 25, 2022 

I originally posted these song lyrics in 2007. But occasionally I like to re-post just to remind all of the Bible class teachers out there just how much their work is appreciated by many, and needed by all.

As an introduction, I would say that today's Christians/disciples (those who have transferred allegiance and ownership of their life, relationships, and possessions to Christ) who have been called to teach have a huge responsibility. This is true now more than ever. In fact, the job of every disciple (aka: loyal student, follower of Christ, obedient to Christ, fisher of men, and soul-winner) is important no matter what our Spirit-given gift is.
Christ's body, His church, is made up of disciples/Christians who are either eyes, ears, hands, feet, mouths, etc... and we all work together for the building up of the church and the overall good of Christ's kingdom. We are all teachers who specialize in one gift or another: encouragement, mercy, hospitality, faith, giving, discernment, and so on... and we strive to become more effective and fruitful in the cause of Christ as time goes on. In the end, it's all about using your gift to plant seeds. It is God who gives the increase.
This is my thank you song that describes the important work of disciples making disciples.

A Teacher’s Song (BV, April 1996)
You look into their eyes and see His wondrous creation.
They’re looking to you for what they need, but only He can give.
(chorus) So Lord, please speak through me, and do what is Your will. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
They call it the Great Commission, to “go into all the world.”
It starts here at home, teaching the little ones, to grow up strong.
(chorus) So Lord, please speak through me, and do what is Your will. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
A teacher's job is never done. There's always more to do.
You finish one task, then starts another one. It seems it's all on you.
(chorus) So Lord, please speak through me, and do what is Your will. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
Those same little children, you taught long ago, are grown up and teaching too.
Though years have flown by, it feels good inside, to know God worked in you.
(chorus) So Lord, please speak through me, and do what is Your will. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.
So, thank you teachers, for what you do, for showing us the way.
For teaching God’s word, week after week, in what you do and say.
(chorus) So Lord, please speak through me, and do what is Your will. For those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled.

Tuesday, September 06, 2022

We Welcome the Benson Family

by Barrett Vanlandingham 
September 11, 1965

Honestly, I thought I would feel sad or sentimental or something about passing the youth ministry torch on to somebody else after 20 years. I do feel something, but nothing bad or sad or anything like that. In fact, after really only a few days or so of wondering how everything was going to shake out, I am very excited that God’s providence has brought such a strong addition to our team of ministers here and to our church family.

Our new Youth and Community Outreach Minister Kelley Benson and his wife Jade, along with their three awesome kids, Toby (6th grade), Sage (8th grade), and Olivia (9th grade) have arrived to take the baton and run with it at just the right time. God always delivers at just the right time, in His time.

Like I told Kelley and Jade, Fort Gibson is a wonderful place to raise a family, and Fort Gibson church of Christ is a church family like none other. The Bensons may not know the full extent of it yet, but our church family and our town are simply amazing. And the love they will feel here will make their adjustment to a new place so easy, so worth it, and such a blessing for them just as they will be a blessing here in so many ways that God already has planned.

The Apostle Paul said, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

Please remember to pray for the Benson family as Kelley continues working for the Lord here in a place that is familiar to us but new to them. Pray for their adjustment to life with a new church family, in a new town, and in a new school. Pray success, peace, comfort, and joy for each of their children: Olivia, Sage, and Toby. Pray strength, assurance, confidence, peace, and joy for Jade as she helps her family adjust in all the right ways as only a Godly mother can. And pray for Kelley, that God will continue to use him in a mighty way to do the work that God brought him here to do, and that opportunities will open for Kelley to make a difference in our community and in His kingdom.  In Jesus’ Name.

Have a great week!